FDA offers safety tips for seniors managing medicines

FDA offers safety tips for seniors managing medicines

As we age, it becomes more common to use more prescription medicines as well as over-the-counter (OTC) medications. 
Visual hallucinations commonly associated with age-related macular degeneration
age related macular degeneration

Visual hallucinations commonly associated with age-related macular degeneration

Charles Bonnet Syndrome (CBS) is a condition that occurs when people lose some or all of their vision.
Hydroquinine is an effective disinfectant for contact lenses
contact lens

Hydroquinine is an effective disinfectant for contact lenses

Contact lenses must be disinfected on a regular basis and previous studies have found that the disinfecting solutions currently on the market are not effective for preventing biofilm on the lens.
February is Heart Health Month
heart health

February is Heart Health Month

Every February, the spotlight is focused on heart disease in the hopes of bringing awareness and sharing steps to help prevent heart disease. 
Turning 65 - Part 5 - Just Say No! Just Say Yes!
hard data

Turning 65 - Part 5 - Just Say No! Just Say Yes!

There is some hard data that has stood the test of time, proving itself over and over.
Turning 65 - Part 4 - The Case for Monitoring Glucose

Turning 65 - Part 4 - The Case for Monitoring Glucose

I discovered using a CGM that I am "Glucose Intolerant." While my fasting blood sugars were normal and steady, some foods triggered my body's glucose to rise far above the normal limit of 140 for n...
Turning 65 - Part 3 - Motion is Lotion
couch potato

Turning 65 - Part 3 - Motion is Lotion

One could go through Modern Life without nary breaking a sweat. We can now order our food and supplies by phone and with a click. Many of our workdays are spent sitting in a chair with our eyes tra...
Turning 65 - Part 2 - More Problems, More Doctors

Turning 65 - Part 2 - More Problems, More Doctors

To keep your body and mind in tip-top condition, you have to do the steps to keep your car going. Ignoring your body's needs because you're "too busy" or "don't like seeing doctors" can have devast...
Turning 65 - Part 1 - Getting My Medicare Card

Turning 65 - Part 1 - Getting My Medicare Card

I gulped when my Medicare card arrived in the mail. My goodness, when I began my medical career 35 years ago, people with Medicare cards were OLD.