- All posts
- 2020
- 2021
- about dry eye
- Acanthamoeba keratitis
- acanthamoeba keratits
- acceptance of covid-19 vaccines
- acceptance of vaccines
- AChEI inhibitor
- age related macular degeneration
- age-related macular degeneration
- age-related vision loss
- aging
- air pollution
- alcohol
- alcohol consumption
- Alzheimer's
- Alzheimers
- amblyopia
- amd in women
- American Glaucoma Society
- American Red Cross
- anisocoria
- announcement
- annual eye exams
- anti-inflammatory
- anti-VEGF
- anti-VEGF injections
- antibacterial
- anticoagulants
- antifungal
- antimicrobial
- antioxidant
- antioxidant vitamins for eye health
- antioxidants
- anxiety
- areds
- areds 2
- areds 2 chewables
- AREDS 2 directions
- areds 2 eye vitamins
- AREDS 2 eye vitamins with lutein
- areds 2 ingredients
- areds 2 results
- areds 2 study
- areds2
- AREDS2 directions
- areds2 ingredients
- areds2 results
- areds2 study
- aromatherapy
- arthritis
- artificial lights
- artificial sweeteners
- ask Dr. Krawitz
- ask questions
- ask the eye doctor
- ask your doctor
- aspirin
- astigmatism
- atrophic macular degeneration
- audiologist
- avocados
- avoid falling
- avoiding falling
- b.f. skinner
- balanced diet
- balancing
- bananas
- bifocals
- bionic eye
- bionic vision
- black tea
- bleeding
- blindness
- blinking
- blood donation
- blood glucose
- blood pressure
- blood sugar
- blue basher
- blue light
- blue light basher
- blue light effects
- blurred vision
- blurry vision
- bone density
- bone health
- brain
- brain function
- brain health
- breakfast
- bright light therapy
- budget
- caffeine
- calorie restriction
- calorie restriction diet
- can areds 2 vitamins prevent macular degeneration
- cancer
- cane
- car windows
- cardiologist
- cardiovascular disease
- cardiovascular health
- carotenoids
- cataract
- cataract surgeon
- cataract surgery
- cataract surgery complications
- cataract treatment
- cataracts
- Cats
- causes of dry eye
- cell transplantation
- Center for Disease Control
- cervical manipulation
- cgm
- chalazion
- Charle Bonnet Syndrome
- chewable areds 2
- chewables
- child
- childhood nearsightedness
- childhood vision
- children
- children's vision
- chirality
- chiropractic
- chiropractor
- chocolate
- cholesterol
- choosing
- Christmas food
- christmas tree cataract
- cinnamon
- circulation problems
- closed angle glaucoma
- coffee
- cognitive decline
- cognitive function
- cognitive function.
- cognitive health
- color vision
- computer eye strain
- computer vision syndrome
- cones
- conjunctivitis
- contact lens
- contact lens discomfort
- contact lenses
- continuous glucose monitor
- copper
- copper in eye vitamin
- copper oxide
- corn syrup
- cornea
- cornea infection
- corneal infection
- corneal transplant
- coronavirus
- couch potato
- covid
- covid hair loss
- covid news
- Covid test
- covid update
- covid vaccine
- COVID-19
- covid-19 news
- covid-19 test
- covid-19 vaccine
- covid19 news
- cranberry juice
- cravings
- cupric oxide
- customer survey
- cystitis
- d-alpha tocopheryl
- daily dose
- David Bowie
- day of atonement
- declining vision
- Decorative contact lenses
- dementia
- depression
- desk job
- detecting early macular degeneration
- Dexcom G7
- diabetes
- diabetes mellitus
- diabetic macular edema
- diabetic rates
- diabetic retinopathy
- diet
- diet good for eyes
- digestive health
- digital eye strain
- dna
- doctors
- doctors choice
- Dr. Krawitz
- Dr. Krawitz review
- Dr. Paul Krawitz
- drug delivery
- drug interactions
- Drug recalls
- drug side effects
- drusen
- dry amd
- dry eye
- dry eye condition
- dry eye disease
- dry eye drops
- dry eye supplement announcement
- dry eye symptoms
- dry eye syndrome
- dry eye vitamin
- dry eye vitamins
- dry macular degeneration
- durysta
- early macular degeneration
- eating
- eating healthy
- eggs
- emergency room
- energy drinks
- entropy
- epsom salt
- equal
- exercise
- extended depth of focus
- eye anatomy
- eye color
- eye disease
- eye diseases
- eye doctors
- eye drops
- eye drops for dry eye
- eye exam
- eye exams
- eye freckle
- eye health
- eye infection
- eye inflammation
- eye injuries
- eye injury
- eye injury prevention
- eye lubricants
- eye nutrition
- eye ointment
- eye pain
- eye strain
- eye supplements
- eye surgeon
- eye twitch
- eye vitamins
- eyedrop
- eyedrops
- eyedrops for dry eye
- eyeglasses
- eyelid compress
- eyelid twitch
- EyePoint
- eyewear for sports
- Ezricare artificial tears
- fall
- fall risk
- falling
- family history
- family history amd
- family history macular degeneration
- family history vision loss
- far-sightedness
- farsightedness
- fasting
- fat
- fat burning
- FDA alerts
- FDA recalls
- FDA regulations
- fear of blindness
- feces
- feedback loop
- female
- femtosecond cataract surgery
- fish
- fitness
- flashes
- flavanols
- flavonoids
- floaters
- fluoxetine
- Food & Drug Administration
- food poisoning
- food preparation
- fovea
- fracture risk
- fractures
- freestyle libre 3
- fried foods
- fructose
- fruits
- gain weight
- gaining weight
- gait
- garlic
- gastric cancer
- gene therapy
- genetics
- geographic atrophy
- Geron
- giving thanks
- glare
- glare and halos
- glass
- glasses
- glaucoma
- glaucoma awareness month
- glaucoma laser
- glaucoma surgeon
- glaucoma surgery
- glaucoma treatment
- GlobalSign SSL certification with extended validation
- glucose
- glycemic foods
- good health
- good physical health
- good sleep
- gout
- Grave's disease
- grocery stores
- growth hacking
- gut microbiome
- habits
- hair dye
- hair loss with covid
- Halloween
- halos
- hard data
- health
- health benefits
- health eating
- healthy diet
- healthy eating
- healthy fats
- healthy food
- healthy foods
- healthy habits
- healthy immune system
- healthy lifestyle
- healthy living
- healthy sleep habits
- healthy vision
- healthy vision month
- hearing
- hearing aids
- heart attack
- heart disease
- heart health
- heart healthy diet
- heat exhaustion
- heat mask
- heat stroke
- heat-related illness
- hemianopia
- high blood pressure
- high fat foods
- high glycemic foods
- high risk patients
- high sugar foods
- holiday
- holiday eating
- holiday season
- holidays
- honey
- hyperopia
- hypertension
- I have a question
- illness
- immune booster
- immune health
- immune system
- immunity
- inflammation
- inflation
- influenza A
- inherited
- insomnia
- insulin
- international units
- intraocular
- intraocular lens implants
- intraocular pressure
- intravitreal injection
- intravitreal injections
- iPS cells
- iris
- iris freckles
- iris pigment
- irish
- irish eyes
- irish risk macular degeneration
- IU
- judaism
- just say no
- just say yes
- laser assisted cataract surgery
- laser cataract surgery
- laser surgery
- laser trrabeculoplasty
- laundry pods
- lazy eye
- LDL cholesterol
- LEF Super Zeaxanthin
- lens
- lens implant
- lens implants
- leukocoria
- Life Extension Foundation Super Zeaxanthin
- life hacks
- Light Adjustable Lens
- Light Adjustable Lens Implant
- LIon's Mane
- lipid levels
- longevity
- lose weight
- love
- loving
- low vision
- lucentis
- Lumify
- lutein
- macula
- macular degeneration
- macular degeneration in women
- macular edema
- macular health
- macular retinal nerve fiber layer
- maculopathy
- magnesium
- mail orders
- masks
- Maxivision
- May
- meals
- medicare
- medicare card
- medication compliance
- medications
- medicine
- mediterranean diet
- Meizuvo
- melanosis
- melatonin
- memory
- menopause
- mental acuity
- mental health
- meso-zeaxanthin
- metabolism
- metformin
- mg
- microbial keratitis
- microbiome
- milligrams
- minocycline
- mirror
- mobile eyewear
- modern life
- moderna
- monounsaturated fat
- motion is lotion
- mouth breathing
- mouth tape
- move every day
- multifocal lens implant
- myopia
- narrow angle glaucoma
- nasal strips
- National Nutrition Month
- natural vitamin e
- near-sightedness
- nearsightedness
- neovascular AMD
- new research
- news
- news release
- non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy
- nutrition
- nutritional formulas
- nutritional supplements
- oatmeal
- obesity
- ocular health
- ocular hypertension
- ocular melanoma
- Ocular Toxoplasmosis
- Ocuvite
- Ocuvite Adulst 50+
- office work
- olive oil
- omega 3
- omega 3 product announcement
- omega-3
- omicron
- omicron variant
- open angle glaucoma
- operant conditioning
- ophthalmic surgeon
- ophthalmologist
- order sheet
- osteoporosis
- OTC drugs
- otolaryngologist
- outdoor play
- over-the-counter medicine
- oxidative stress
- Ozempic
- pandemic
- parkinson's
- Parkinson's Disease
- Parkinsonism
- Paul Krawitz
- Paul Krawitz M.D.
- pecans
- pedometer
- pentosan polysulfate sodium
- personal time
- pets
- pfizer
- photobiomodulation
- photokeratitis
- photopsias
- photoreceptors
- physically active
- phytosterols
- pigmentary retinal degeneration
- pink eye
- polyphenols
- polyunsaturated fat
- positive feedback
- positive feedback loop
- pregenancy
- premium eye vitamins
- presbyopia
- prescription medicine
- Preservision AREDS 2
- Preservision AREDS2
- prevention
- prevention of amd
- prevention of macular degeneration
- printed order sheet
- priority
- probiotics
- professional formulas for eye health
- protective eyewear
- prunes
- pseudoexfoliation syndrome
- psychological health
- pumpkin spice
- pupil size
- pxf
- quality sleep
- question
- ranibizumab
- reaction to stress
- reasons for taking eye vitamins
- recommend
- recommendation
- recommended intake
- red light therapy
- red meat
- refined carbs
- refraction
- Regeneron
- remedies for dry eye
- remembering medications
- remembering supplements
- remote treatment
- research
- respiratory illness
- resveratrol
- retina
- retinal degeneration
- retinal detachment
- retinal disease
- retinal dystrophy
- retinal health
- retinal hemorrhage
- retinal pigment epithelium
- retinal scan
- retinal scans
- retinal tear
- retinal vein occlusion
- retinitis pigmentosa
- retinopathy
- Review of Dr. Paul Krawitz
- Reziva
- rheumatoid arthritis
- rhodopsin
- right-handed molecule
- right-handed molecules
- robotics
- rods
- RP
- RxSight
- saffron
- salt
- sars
- saturated fat
- scientific studies
- seasonal affective disorder
- seasonal depression
- secure web site
- semaglutide
- senior citizens
- senior health
- serving size
- severity of macular degeneration
- shoe color
- shopping
- sins
- Sjogren's syndrome
- Sjogrens
- skin cancer
- skin protection
- Sleep
- sleep apnea
- sleep habits
- smart contact lens
- smartphone apps
- smoking
- smoothies
- sneaker color
- solar eclipse
- solar retinopathy
- SolidddVision
- sparkling water
- spenda
- spinal manipulation
- sport eyewear
- statins
- stem cell therapy
- stem cells
- strawberries
- stress
- stroke
- stye
- sugar
- sugar substitutes
- summer
- summer heat
- sun
- sun protection factor
- sunburn
- sunglasses
- sunscreen
- super lutein
- super lutein 444
- supplement facts
- survey
- susvimo
- sweets
- symptoms of dry eyes
- synthetic vitamin e
- Systane
- tea
- tear film
- tears
- technology
- teenagers
- thankful for
- Thanksgiving
- thyroid eye disease
- toric lens implant
- total solar eclipse
- Toxo
- Toxoplasmosis
- trans fat
- trans-resveratrol
- trouble sleeping
- TrustedSite
- Turning 65
- type 2 diabetes
- ulcerative keratitis
- ultra-processed foods
- unhealthy food
- united states patent
- universe
- urinary tract infection
- UV light
- uveitis
- vaccination
- vaccine
- vegetables
- vision
- vision care supplements
- vision correction
- vision exams
- vision health
- vision in childhood
- vision loss
- vision problems
- visivite
- VisiVite AREDS 2 eye vitamins
- visivite areds 2 plus
- visivite areds2 plus
- VisiVite Balanced Ocular Support
- visivite best seller
- VisiVite Blue Light Basher
- visivite comparison grid
- VisiVite eye vitamins
- VisiVite eye vitamins users
- visivite formula comparison
- visivite gold
- visivite grid
- Visual acuity
- visual hallucinations
- Vitamin B
- vitamin compliance
- vitamin D
- vitamin e
- vitamin science
- vitamins
- vitamins for dry eyes
- vitamins for eyes
- Viteyes
- Viteyes AREDS 2
- Viteyes AREDS2
- vitreous floaters
- vogt koyanagi harada
- vuity
- walker
- walking
- walnuts
- wearing masks
- Wegovy
- weight gain
- weight loss
- weight management
- wellbeing
- wet age-related macular degeneration
- wet amd
- wet macular degeneration
- what diet is good for eyes
- what diet is good for vision
- what else can I do
- what is glaucoma
- whole grains
- wine consumption
- winter blues
- woman
- women
- women's eye health
- workout
- yogurt
- yom kippur
- zeaxanthin
- zinc

antioxidant vitamins for eye health
Can Macular Degeneration be Prevented?
Studies of boy and girl twins raised in separate households have proven that intelligence, personality traits, and many physical conditions are hard-wired. What about AMD?