Nutty about pistachios for eye health
age related macular degeneration

Nutty about pistachios for eye health

New research finds that just two handfuls of pistachios a day can help ward of macular degeneration.
Turning 65 - Part 5 - Just Say No! Just Say Yes!
hard data

Turning 65 - Part 5 - Just Say No! Just Say Yes!

There is some hard data that has stood the test of time, proving itself over and over.
Turning 65 - Part 2 - More Problems, More Doctors

Turning 65 - Part 2 - More Problems, More Doctors

To keep your body and mind in tip-top condition, you have to do the steps to keep your car going. Ignoring your body's needs because you're "too busy" or "don't like seeing doctors" can have devast...
Can Macular Degeneration be Prevented?
antioxidant vitamins for eye health

Can Macular Degeneration be Prevented?

Studies of boy and girl twins raised in separate households have proven that intelligence, personality traits, and many physical conditions are hard-wired. What about AMD?
Eye drops show promise in slowing progression of nearsightedness in children

Eye drops show promise in slowing progression of nearsightedness in children

Clinical trial results of atropine eye drops offer hope for slowing the progression of nearsightedness (myopia) in children.
Diminishing Senses is So Senseless!
Dr. Krawitz

Diminishing Senses is So Senseless!

What steps can you take TODAY to keep your two most critical senses in tip-top shape?
FDA approves first drug to treat geographic atrophy
age-related macular degeneration

FDA approves first drug to treat geographic atrophy

Geographic atrophy typically affects people over the age of 50 and is one of the main causes of vision loss in the United States.
How the eye gives us a glimpse into human aging
age related macular degeneration

How the eye gives us a glimpse into human aging

The eye has been said to be the window to the soul and it may also offer us a glimpse into human aging.
Reduced risk of developing macular degeneration associated with two common prescription drugs
age related macular degeneration

Reduced risk of developing macular degeneration associated with two common prescription drugs

Researchers examined data from 14 studies to determine the effect of drugs on the risk of developing AMD.