
Take these 5 Steps to Avoid Falling
This helpful article from Mount Sinai Hospital about steps you can take to avoid falling missed two critical points.

Why Feedback Loops are so Important for Medications and Supplements
Humans are animals that are motivated by reward. So why is this "feedback loop" so important in being compliant with medications and supplements?

Eye Vitamins and the Perception of Color
Most of our color-sensing cones are the center of the macula in a tiny area known as the fovea, which works best in daylight. That's why we don't see much color at night. Color vision relies on mac...

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Strategies Eye Doctors use for their Patients with Dry Macular Degeneration
I don't want to see ANY progression on their photographs or optical scans. If I do, I modify strategies.

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Difficulty Swallowing Capsules?
In their natural forms - which we use for VisiVite eye vitamins - lutein, zeaxanthin and Vitamin E oil are fluffy, sticky and bulky. But the benefits of using these naturally sourced ingredients ou...

age-related macular degeneration
Many vision loss supplements do not fulfill label claims
With so many consumers looking towards macular degeneration supplements to help stop the progression of the vision-robbing disease, it's important that they know that what they are reading on the l...

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VisiVite Customer Survey Results on Fear of Blindness
Hundreds of people responded to my two-question survey about eye vitamins and blindness. And I learned something very important about what most of you are concerned about.

VisiVite Announces Two New Eye Supplements
VisiVite Blue Light Basher for protection against blue light and VisVite AREDS 2 Chewables tablets have just been announced by the manufacturer, Vitamin Science, Inc.

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AREDS 2 Results
Explains the findings of the AREDS2 results that were published May 5, 2013 by the National Eye Institute.