Turning 65 - Part 5 - Just Say No! Just Say Yes!

Turning 65 - Part 5 - Just Say No! Just Say Yes!

There is some hard data that has stood the test of time, proving itself over and over.
Turning 65 - Part 4 - The Case for Monitoring Glucose Reading Turning 65 - Part 5 - Just Say No! Just Say Yes! 2 minutes Next February is Heart Health Month

News reports and scientific data tell us what's good and what's bad to put in our body every day. But even I find it frustrating to discover that what was good for me last year is now considered bad. Is my delicious cup of black coffee good or bad for me? Unlike most people, I am not swayed by opinion. Instead, I carefully review the data and study methods to determine if the opinion is worthwhile or worthless. And there are a LOT of worthless opinions when it comes to what we should nor should not put in our bodies.

But there is some hard data that has stood the test of time, proving itself over and over.

Just Say No to smoking. It's bad for your heart, your skin, your lungs, and even your eyes. The #1 step you can take today to reduce your chances of macular degeneration progression is to stop smoking now. Just Say No to sugar including sugar soda if you can, and for as many processed foods manufactured from white flour as you can without being miserable. Just Say No to fried foods except for special treats if you must. Just Say Yes to unlimited vegetables, especially those with deep greens and orange color. Just Say Yes to fruit, but be careful about quantities, especially if you are diabetic or glucose intolerant (see yesterday's post about Continuous Glucose Monitoring). Just Say Yes to Omega 3 fatty acids via fish and supplementation. And Just Say Yes to AREDS2 eye vitamins, whose studies have proven undeniable merit in promoting ocular health. If you're 65 or older, share what you've learned at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/turning-65.