
Walking after meals is a great health boost
While taking a stroll shortly after consuming a meal may not be something you would be eager to do, the great thing is that you don't have to walk fast or far to reap the benefits.

Make the most out of walking
Walking can help reduce stress, manage weight, lower blood pressure and improve insulin sensitivity.

eating healthy
Celebrate National Nutrition Month during March
Good nutrition can mean different things for each person and isn't something that can be applied across-the-board.

growth hacking
A couple of helpful tips to help you break those bad habits
Getting rid of bad habits can help your mental wellbeing and may help you identify other areas of your life that need your attention.

good health
A good night's sleep may help prevent illness
Getting good, quality sleep is known to impact overall health and a recent study indicates it may actually help keep you from getting sick.

cognitive function.
Better cognitive health linked to regular exercise
The earlier in your life that you partake in regular exercise, the greater benefit you will receive.

Coffee drinkers may enjoy a longer life
Researchers were examining the associations between types of coffee and incident arrhythmias, cardiovascular disease and death.

Step by step: The perks of wearing a pedometer
Researchers wanted to determine if just tracking fitness changed the person's behavior.

healthy diet
3 Helpful diet tips for balancing your blood sugar
Three simple food tips can help you balance your blood sugar.