Turning 65 - Part 2 - More Problems, More Doctors

Turning 65 - Part 2 - More Problems, More Doctors

To keep your body and mind in tip-top condition, you have to do the steps to keep your car going. Ignoring your body's needs because you're "too busy" or "don't like seeing doctors" can have devastating and irreversible consequences.
Turning 65 - Part 1 - Getting My Medicare Card Reading Turning 65 - Part 2 - More Problems, More Doctors 2 minutes Next Turning 65 - Part 3 - Motion is Lotion


I had a 2017 SUV. It only had 40,000 miles on it, but every 10,000 miles, things started happening. Tires wearing down. Oil and filter exhausted. A few new rattles. Electric screen malfunctions. In physics, the word for dysfunction and disorganization over time is known as entropy, and it not only affects our automobiles, it affects the entire universe. And that means our bodies and minds are subject to the same laws that govern everything else. Much as we'd like to believe otherwise before our hair turned gray, we are not immune.

And because medicine has become so complex and specialized, I no longer see a "GP" (general practitioner) for any issues I have. I have not one, but two cardiologists, a renal (kidney) specialist, multiple orthopedists, a neurologist an otolaryngologist (ENT), and audiologist (for my hearing aids), a general ophthalmologist and a retinal specialist. More problems = More doctors. And more appointments.

But to keep your body and mind in tip-top condition, you have to do the steps to keep your car going. Ignoring your body's needs because you're "too busy" or "don't like seeing doctors" can have devastating and irreversible consequences. Every week, I see people who have neglected their high blood pressure, diabetes, macular degeneration (take your eye vitamins!), circulation problems and more. And the regret after the critical juncture cannot fix the issue. If you're 65 or older, share what you've learned at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/turning-65.