
healthy eating
Live a longer life by eating oatmeal?
The positive health benefits of eating oatmeal have been known for a while and a recent study suggests that eating oatmeal may promote longevity.

You might want to "hold" the salt at meal time
While salt is vital for many cellular functions in the human body, always adding salt to your food could pose a health risk.

eating healthy
Celebrate National Nutrition Month during March
Good nutrition can mean different things for each person and isn't something that can be applied across-the-board.

Clean out the "junk" food in your diet
The American diet has become saturated with junk food.

Going bananas! Bananas may lower blood pressure
For those looking to change their eating habits in an effort to be more healthy and potentially lower their blood pressure, adding a banana might just help with that.

balanced diet
Walking weighs in a beneficial weight loss tool
Knowing the right way to incorporate walking with your sleeping, and eating habits, you can beef up your weight loss progress.

brain health
Why adding a banana to your favorite smoothie may not be a good idea
If whipping up a smoothie is your favorite way to start your day, you might want to pause before you hit that puree button on your blender if bananas are one of the ingredients.
For many of us, ...

Boost your mood by picking the right food
When you think of working on improving mental health, things like meditation, stress reduction therapies and deep breathing exercises likely come to mind.

Breakfast: The most important meal for your immune system?
A recent study indicates that skipping breakfast may be detrimental to your immune system.