
age-related macular degeneration
Possible link between vision issues and Alzheimer's
Dementia is on the rise in the United States so a top priority for doctors is finding risk factors that can be addressed and hopefully mitigated.

Vision screening may be useful in dementia screening
Researchers from Loughborough University in England have discovered that a loss of visual sensitivity can foretell dementia issues 12 years prior to onset.
The study focused on 8,623 healthy people...

AChEI inhibitor
Alzheimer's drug may also be beneficial for treating macular degeneration
Study results published last week in JAMA Ophthalmology reveal that AChEI inhibitors that are used to treat Alzheimer's disease may have an added benefit of lowering the risk for developing age-rel...

age related macular degeneration
How the eye gives us a glimpse into human aging
The eye has been said to be the window to the soul and it may also offer us a glimpse into human aging.

Lion's Mane mushrooms offer benefits to the brain
By unlocking the potential benefits found in these mushroom compounds, researchers hope that therapies can be developed to protect and treat neurodegenerative cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer'...

Simple eye test may identify Alzheimer's risk
Changes within the retina could help doctors diagnose Alzheimer's much earlier in life allowing for intervention before the disease progesses.

age related macular degeneration
Mediterranean diet may offer cognitive protection
Following a diet high in fish and vegetables may offer protection against cognitive decline.

Protect your brain by keeping your heart healthy
A study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology details a link between good heart health and a lower risk of cognitive decline.