
age-related macular degeneration
Light-based therapy receives FDA approval for AMD
Almost 20 million Americans are affected by dry AMD and it is the leading cause of vision loss in the United States for adults over 60.

Study finds that AREDS 2 supplementation helps slow progression of late-stage macular degeneration
While researchers have known that AREDS 2 supplements help slow the progression of AMD from the intermediate stage to the late stage, they wanted to establish whether supplementation could impact t...

age-related macular degeneration
Study shines light on Saffron's positive affects on vision
Despite it's hefty price tag, saffron, which is a powerful antioxidant, is a popular dietary supplement used for a wide range of ailments including the improvement of cognitive function, mood boost...

age-related macular degeneration
Minocycline offers no benefit in treating dry age-related macular degeneration
Minocycline, a commonly prescribed antibiotic that also offers anti-inflammatory effects, does not offer any benefits to those suffering from dry age-related macular degeneration.

age related macular degeneration
Phase 2b clinical trials set for potential AMD treatment
More than one million Americans aged 40 and over are affected by geographic atrophy (otherwise known as advanced dry age-related macular degeneration), which currently has no available therapy that...

age-related macular degeneration
FDA approves first drug to treat geographic atrophy
Geographic atrophy typically affects people over the age of 50 and is one of the main causes of vision loss in the United States.

AI algorithm may be a helpful tool for determining progression of AMD
Artificial intelligence may be the key in helping doctors determine which patients with intermediate AMD are at a high risk of the disease progressing to geographic atrophy.

age-related macular degeneration
Lab-grown retinal cells indicate possibility of clinical trials
Researchers hope that these cells are ready to be studied in human clinical trials

age related macular degeneration
Reduced risk of developing macular degeneration associated with two common prescription drugs
Researchers examined data from 14 studies to determine the effect of drugs on the risk of developing AMD.