Thank you to our loyal following of VisiVite customers who write us with your success stories! We can't publish the hundreds of letters we receive each month, but we hope you can find your own success story within these letters below.

Visivite Smokers Formula, Duke University Eye Clinic

I was first advised two years ago that I had the beginnings of Macular Degeneration. This past year I was told by the Opthamologist at the Durham NC VA that presently there was no cure for this disease that I should take Vitamins for AREDS and to stop smoking. The Eye Specialist at the Durham VA are from the Duke University Hospital.

I had already quit , but had been a heavy smoker so I begin to look for the Vitamins Formular for Smokers or past smokers. I could not find any in our Local Phamacies nor in Wal mart. So I truned to the internet and Vision Nutrition. I have been taking the Visivite Smokers Formula for almost a year now.

During that time I have looked at the Chart given to me by the VA. Checking this chart daily should alert me to further degeneration or movement from dry to wet macular. So far the lines on the chart remain straight.

The Vitamins are the only defense I have and they seem to be working. I have tried another brand that finally was available at a Local Walmart, it is cheaper but you get less of the active important ingredients in the formular. I am continuing at this time to order from Visivite.

Mebane, NC
November 14, 2009


A commentary on Macular Degeneration

I have recently experienced a restoration of much sight in my left eye which in less enlightened times past might have been construed as a miracle. This occurred without the help of three eye doctors; two ophthalmologists and one retina specialist. It is not that they were disinterested, but rather they knew of no cure for Macular Degeneration (MD). Their only input was my word in describing my symptoms. Visual examinations and more than one hundred computerized photographs revealed no physical evidence. I am writing this in the hope that it might help others to find their own cure when they might otherwise be relegated to the status of incurable.

My first indication of possible MD occurred October 2003 at the age of eighty-seven when I began to see small dark indentations on the white keys of my piano. Two months later, on my next visit to an ophthalmologist, I described my observations. He suggested I might have the beginnings of MD and referred me to a retina specialist, who concurred and prescribed a "wait and see" program. At that time I first became aware that my left eye was the culprit when I observed bent lines on a test chart. Neither doctor observed anything unusual about the macula, and neither one prescribed medication or vitamin supplements. I don't recall any loss of vision at that time but became aware of "floaters" for the first time.

Three months later I had begun to notice a dark area in the center of my left eye's field of vision. During a vision exam for eyeglasses the ophthalmologist suggested that I take one ICaps dietary supplement, of no particular strength or composition, each day, saying that "it couldn't hurt." No mention was made of the National Eye Institute's AREDS report, published October 2001 (Age Related Eye Disease Study) which recommends the equivalent of about four times one ICaps. At that time the retina specialist took about one hundred computerized photos of my left eye. Neither those, nor his physical examination, revealed any abnormality, nor did he mention AREDS. I was again on hold.

Over the next six months the left eye vision progressively worsened. The original gray shadow turned black and grew in size leaving me with only peripheral vision, and the bent lines disappeared. The only change in advice came from the retina doctor, who suggested I might take two ICaps a day. A second opinion from another ophthalmologist produced the same response. I had lost effective sight in my left eye and three highly recommended eye doctors had told me that there was no known cure for MD.

Fortuitously, the Internet provided some hope. A search for MD produced six pages of causes and possible help. It revealed the AREDS effort and compared only three companies that manufacture the exact formula as outlined in that report; VisiVite, Ocuvite and ICaps. I could only find Ocuvite and ICaps at local drugstores so I began the recommended four tablets a day regimen. Four months later no improvement was perceivable when I came upon a short item in a "Bottom Line" pamphlet indicating that Lutein, which was mentioned in the AREDS report, but only offered by VisiVite at that time, was found to be of some help in treating MD. Also, it stated that an excellent source of Lutein to be spinach and one-half cup per day is recommended, so I added that to my diet.

After a month or so of four AREDS formula tablets and one-half cup of spinach each day vision in my left eye seemed to improve. The black impenetrable shadow lessened to a fuzzy gray, and the bent lines reappeared. Four months later, and now using the VisiVite i-Defense Gold (non-smoker) formula with 15 mg of lutein, I estimate that my MD has reversed itself some seventy-five percent and now refer to it as Macular-Regeneration. I am hoping for 100%.

While this is certainly not much of a scientific study, at least to me, it is hope of something of a miracle. I trust this information might help others facing macular degeneration. If your doctor tells you there is no cure for MD, I urge you to confront her/him with this evidence.

Laguna Woods, CA
December 27, 2004


Improvement continues at a most gratifying rate.

I have been on VisiVite i-Defense Gold Formula (based on AREDS plus 15mg Lutein, 4.75mg Zeaxanthin and a few other ingredients) for two months now. The central gray area has decreased in size and darkness. Bent lines continue to look more like they did in my earliest awareness of MD. And, most significantly, as I sit a foot away from my PC screen, I can actually see words and letters on all but a three inch circle in the center of the screen, which is still fuzzy gray. Something I haven't seen with my left eye in a year and one half.

February 25, 2005


Dry Eye Relief

The Dry Eye Relief Nutritional Supplement has been of significant benefit to me, in the treatment of severe dry eye syndrome. My ophthalmologis has prescrived Restasis, and I have punctal plugs inserted in both eyes. I also use Muro ointment at bedtime. My dry eye condition is a result of surgery and the removal of the lacrimal glands. I ahve found relief from the constant burning, sensitivity to light, grittiness and excess tearing, with this supplement. My ophthalmologist is aware that I am taking Dry Eye Relief. Thank you.

Penne Blair
January 26, 2010


VisiVite Smokers Formula, October 13, 2009

My husband has been using your smokers formula for several years and his eyes have remained stable all these years. We first learned about you from a neighbor, while in Florida, whose doctor recommended your company for his problem. I recently gave your order form to a friend in IL and hope she has decided to try your smokers product too.
Thank you for caring.

Jack and Lorraine
October 13, 2009


Visivite i-Defense Yellow Formula

In response to your request that I tell my story about the vitamin I take for my macular degeneration: I was ordered to take this by my eye doctor and had so much good luck. The luck is that I can read the small print in the phone book and have been able to do so for the years I have been taking the Yellow Formula Vitamin. He actually told me he was going to write a paper including the good results I have had from taking this vitamin. Needless to say, I will continue taking them.

D. Carlisle
March 19, 2010


VisiVite i-Defense Yellow Formula

I take this for my macular degeneration: I was ordered to take this by my eye doctor and had so much good luck. The luck is that I can read the small print in the phone book and have been able to do so for the years I have been taking the Yellow Formula Vitamin. He actually told me he was going to write a paper including the good results I have had from taking this vitamin. Needless to say, I will continue taking them.

Mrs. DMC
October 13, 2009


Visivite i-Defense Gold Formula

Thanks for being there!
In July of last year, I was diagnosed with wet macular degeneration in the left eye. My opthamologist referred me to a retina specialist near here. When I found out what I had I went to the internet and found your site. I ordered the gold formula and started taking it. I also started taking resveratrol. I have received 4 injections of Avastin. At the last appointment he said if you continue to do so well, the next time we won't treat it just watch it.
I had had an appointment with the doctor that referred me to the retina specialist. He looked in my eye and proclaimed "Its gone".
I attribute my fantastic progress to Visivites and the resveratrol. Of course the medical people negate any vitamins or anything but their"medicine".
Thank you for being there when I needed you!.

Leroy Miller
Bellwood, Pennsylvania
January 19, 2011


I can still drive.

I have had md for about 15 yrs. I started taking vitimins for md which helped slow the process of md. Since I have been taking Visivite gold my eye sight has improved to some degree but it hasen't got any worse. I can still see to drive and passed my driving test. I am 88 years old but am still in pretty good health.

Yours truly,
John Lenz
October 02, 2010


Dr. Krawitz's vitamins help me to see.

I have been taking VisiVite for almost three years. My eyes have improved. I am 57 years old do not have to wear glasses to see up close anymore. My eye doctor told me that he has only seen my kind of improvement in vision/Macular Degeneration in about 1 and 1000 people. I tell tons of people about it. I just thought I would let you know.

Happy New Year!
Brenda M.
Burbank, WA
January 10, 2010


Just wanted to let you know that I started taking the Green Formula vitamins within a week of being diagnosed with AMD 4 years ago. Today, at my annual check-up, the Doctor said that the MD has not progressed since the time of the original diagnosis and asked if I was still taking the vitamins that a friend recommended. I assured him I was and he said the vitamins could be the reason that the condition has not worsened in the 4 year period.

Thank You VisiVite!

Lois Gilbert
April 21, 2010

Ummm...this is unusual...

My mom has been using your products I got her for her age-related macular...she had a eye dr visit 2 weeks ago....I told him I had gotten her vitamins on your site (Not the ones he recommended from the drug store)...he then said "Oh it doesn't matter what you give her! I told him that the ones he suggested could not be taken by mom since she smokes.

Well, he then gave her another test to see how her eyes are doing...and when the girl giving the test looked at the screen and then mom's old results, he asked another girl to check.

When we got back to the exam room and he looked at the results he said "Ummm...this is unusual...I said what? He said her eyes got better.,..I said better? how much better, 5%, 25%!!!!!!!!!!



Patricia F. & Mom, Caroline S
December 03, 2009


Visivite i-Defense Green Eye Vitamin Formula

To Everyone,

Thank you for your rapid response to my phone call about the missing check I wrote to you on November 11, 2005 in the amount of $109.30.

Your consideration means a lot to me since my only source of income is my Social Security check.

I have a story to tell you about my vision.

I started having a vision problem in my left eye in early 2004. Went to my eye doctor for an exam and new prescription for new glasses. He then referred me to the retinal eye care center for further testing. There was a small spot in my left eye in the very center of my vision - I could see through the blurry spot (everything looked fuzzy in that spot).

I should now explain that I filled out a very long and detailed questionnaire at both doctors' offices and was totally honest about my smoking habits.

Both doctors suggested the same vitamins I should be taking. The diagnosis was macular degeneration (dry).

I could no longer read or do cross stitch and was very down and I guess really depressed.

My daughter went to her computer and started searching for information about my problem. She found your web site.

Gee - guess what! The vitamins that both doctors recommended were the wrong formula for smokers. Even though I was honest about my smoking on both questionnaires, apparently, neither doctor bothered to read them.

My daughter ordered the Visivite i-Defense Green in January 2005. Within 2 months I noticed an improvement. The spot was getting smaller. The improvement was gradual so I can't really say when I first realized that my vision was o.k. in the left eye. I'm now back to reading and doing my favorite thing - cross stitch.

I must admit I don't understand! I thought the vitamins only slowed down the progression of macular degeneration - not reversed it. I'm so grateful to you and all those who made it possible. Sorry about my penmanship - getting old isn't much fun.

Doris Grey
Boynton Beach, Florida


Visivite Premier Ocular Formula No. 2

As a nurse, I'm extremely grateful to have found your eye vitamin. I live in Saint Johns, Florida. I was just calling about your Premier Ocular Formula 2. I am a nurse in my career with dystrophy(?) due to a doctor hitting my cornea. Since I have been taking VisiVite, I have got partially my vision back. I can see objects clearer.

I am able to see even peoples' faces now on TV. And, I'm going to have a cataract removed off of that eye which will increase my vision better, I hope. But thanks to you, I am able to see things without running into them. I'm driving better and I just wanted to thank you so much for your product.

This is my second time ordering double doses of this product. And, thank you very, very, very much.

Jan Dillon
January 05, 2011


Wonderful products!

I take VisiVite and Co-Defense regularly for a few years now, and I guess that's what keeping my problem steady. I also discovered the pill for dry eyes, and find it wonderful. My daughter used to put drops 20-30 times a day. After I gave her the pill for dry eyes, she puts in drops maybe once or twice a day.

Thank you for your wonderful products.

Varda Y.
December 03, 2009


My doctor was so pleased!

I have good news!! I went to see the specialist in hospital this morning. First of all I was given the sight test, wearing my glasses, testing one eye at a time, then with a pinhole lens. I couldn't see anything with my left eye, other than peripherally, but then couldn't read the letters! But was able to read some letters on next line down, compared to previous visit about 2 months or so ago.

Then the specialist examined my right eye, and she told me there was a marked improvement in it - it was healing up nicely. She said there was a fair amount of scaring in my left eye (the one with the wet form), but she was really pleased with my right eye. I said I had been taking the VisiVite vitamins a bit longer since last she saw me. She remembered about me giving her the empty container of the vitamins. She told me to keep taking them. She was so pleased!

Now I'm going to be referred to a macula specialist, to see if he can do anything like injections for my left eye. She said it would probably only 'hold' my sight in that eye at best. He is also a specialist of the retina, so on both counts I'll have his expert advice.

I called with my optician on way home, as he had asked me to keep him informed. I showed him an empty container of the VisiVite vitamins, which he knew I was taking, and he asked if he could keep it. He said he would show it to others. He asked if the vitamins were available over here, but I told him just from America, but that you ship all over the world.

He has asked me to come back and tell him how I get on after next visit, which I shall do.

So, once again, a big thank you to VisiVite for your interest in macular degeneration. The specialist was very happy about my right eye, and so am I. I had said to my husband on way to hospital this morning, that I felt I was seeing better over the past few days.

Please feel free to use my testimony. Like you, I'd do anything possible to help others. My husband and I spend our lives doing that - he is an International Bible Teacher, and we've travelled the world for many years, doing this and counseling people. Lots of people are also praying for my eyesight problem.

The specialist was really excited yesterday, and had remembered I was taking VisiVite. She kept saying she was very pleased about the healing taking place. So am I!!

Best wishes.
Elsie Gerner
October 03, 2009


Dry Eye Relief - Tear Stabilization Formula user for 2 years

If you have Dry Eyes and are using Restasis this product is a must. I had to stop wearing contacts for 6
months - with Restasis and Dry Eye Relief - contacts are part of my life again. AND----
if you stop taking them - YOU FEEL IT!
Thank you for this product. June 2010
If you stop taking them YOU KNOW IT!

June 20, 2010


A New Vision

I had been the route. Plugs. Restasis. Lacrisert.Every OTC drop there is. Then I met Dry Eye Relief. It works! The change happened. What I particularly like is that it changes my pre-oocupation and obesssion with dry eyes. Every day isn't perfect. It never is with anything. But every day is no longer controlled by dry eyes owning my consciousness or preoccupation. Dry Eye Relief works!

February 10, 2010



In July of last year, I was diagnosed with wet macular degeneration in the left eye. My opthamologist referred me to a retina specialist near here. When I found out what I had I went to the internet and found your site. I ordered the gold formula and started taking it. I also started taking resveratrol. I have received 4 injections of Avastin. At the last appointment he said if you continue to do so well, the next time we won't treat it just watch it.
I had had an appointment with the doctor that referred me to the retina specialist. He looked in my eye and proclaimed "Its gone".
I attribute my fantastic progress to Visivites and the Reziva resveratrol. Of course the medical people negate any vitamins or anything but their"medicine".
Thank you for being there when I needed you!.

Leroy Miller
Bellwood, Pennsylvania
January 19, 2011