
cognitive function.
Better cognitive health linked to regular exercise
The earlier in your life that you partake in regular exercise, the greater benefit you will receive.

Breakfast: The most important meal for your immune system?
A recent study indicates that skipping breakfast may be detrimental to your immune system.

Drug recalls
Another eye product recalled
The FDA asked Global Pharma to recall the Delsam Pharma's Artificial Eye Ointment because of possible bacterial contamination.

causes of dry eye
Dry Eye disease risk increased with sedentary lifestyle
Having a sedentary lifestyle is known to have detrimental effects on your physical health and that includes your eye health.

Exercising at the right time of day may increase fat burning
The biological processes in our bodies depend on the circadian rhythms of the cells so physical activity performed at different times of the day affects the burning of fat.

Lion's Mane mushrooms offer benefits to the brain
By unlocking the potential benefits found in these mushroom compounds, researchers hope that therapies can be developed to protect and treat neurodegenerative cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer'...

dry eye
Dry eye syndrome could be treated by contact lens
Researchers hope to test these prototype lenses on animal models and eventually patients.

The possible memory benefits of cinnamon
Besides its usefulness in the kitchen to spice up desserts and coffee, cinnamon has other beneficial properties.

contact lenses
Why you shouldn't wear your contact lenses overnight when sleeping
While many people enjoy the convenience of wearing contact lenses, often they are unaware that contact lenses aren't meant to be worn when sleeping.