
Is Resveratrol The Best Supplement Ingredient Yet?
The prestigious journal Nutrients just published a review of the eye health benefits of trans-resveratrol, referencing no fewer than 138 studies in the scientific literature about this rock-star co...

age related macular degeneration
Genetic link between COVID risk and macular-degeneration
Researchers analyzed genetic data from more than 16,000 people with AMD, more than 50,000 people with COVID along with control groups.

January is Glaucoma Awareness Month
It's Glaucoma Awareness Month! January is about more than ringing in the new year. It’s a time to raise awareness about the importance of early detection and treatment of glaucoma, and encourage e...

digestive health
Cold weather can affect your digestive tract
The digestive tract is home to 70% of our immune cells so it is important to maintain a healthy digestive system.

age-related macular degeneration
Anti-VEGF treatment for wet AMD may hasten progression of glaucoma
Researchers concluded that anti-VEGF treatments do raise the risk of glaucoma progression.

blood pressure
Coffee consumption with high blood pressure carries risks
Researchers were looking to determine whether the protective effect of coffee applies to people with more severe hypertension.

causes of dry eye
Increase in screen time for kids causes rise in dry eye disease for them
The goal of the study was to determine the relationship between screen time during the lockdown and the rise in dry eye disease symptoms in children.

Mental health benefits of walnuts
A recent study found that consuming walnuts improved mental and emotional health.

3 Health Benefits of Garlic
While many people are turned off by the potent aroma of garlic, this bulbous vegetable packs a healthy punch.
Packed with vitamins C and K as well as zinc, potassium and
magnesium, garlic has many...