Why you shouldn't wear your contact lenses overnight when sleeping

Why you shouldn't wear your contact lenses overnight when sleeping

While many people enjoy the convenience of wearing contact lenses, often they are unaware that contact lenses aren't meant to be worn when sleeping.
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Sleeping with your contact lenses in overnight can cause serious issues with your eyes.

While many people enjoy the convenience of wearing contact lenses, often they are unaware that contact lenses aren't meant to be worn when sleeping. There are

two main types of contact lenses: soft and rigid gas permeable (RPG).

Some soft contact lenses are only meant for one-time use. They are to be worn one day and then discarded. The remaining types of soft lenses as well as RPG lenses are meant to be worn daily and cleaned and disinfected overnight.

Wearing either soft or RPG lenses overnight raises the risk of serious corneal infection or ulcerative keratitis. It is believed that the combination of hypoxia (low oxygen) to the eye as well as the direct mechanical trauma to the cornea are what lead to ulcerative keratitis. 

If you realize you have slept with your lenses in, don't hit the panic button but don't become lazy and let it become a recurring habit. But, if you start noticing irritation, pain or redness,  it is important to check with your eye care provider. It's important to get an early diagnosis because vision loss from ulcerative keratitis or corneal infection can be permanent. Be sure and remove the lenses and bring them to your doctor because the doctor with use the lenses to get a culture to determine the cause of your symptoms.