One neovascular AMD treatment more effective than the other

One neovascular AMD treatment more effective than the other

A recent study reveals that one anti-VEGF treatment is more effective than another commonly used treatment.
Helpful Healthy Holiday Eating Tips
Christmas food

Helpful Healthy Holiday Eating Tips

Here are some tips to help you still enjoy your favorite foods while being mindful of what you eat at the same time.
Looking into LASIK? Here's what you should consider.
dry eye

Looking into LASIK? Here's what you should consider.

By researching the details of LASIK and taking some time to ask the right questions of your provider, you have better odds of making the right decision for you and your eyesight.
Don't Make This Common Supplement Mistake
daily dose

Don't Make This Common Supplement Mistake

There is nothing more complex, frustrating and confusing as the Supplement Facts box on a nutritional supplement label. 
Canned foods can be a nutritious addition to your diet

Canned foods can be a nutritious addition to your diet

It's a misconception that canned fruits and vegetables are bereft of nutritional benefits.
Reduced risk of developing macular degeneration associated with two common prescription drugs
age related macular degeneration

Reduced risk of developing macular degeneration associated with two common prescription drugs

Researchers examined data from 14 studies to determine the effect of drugs on the risk of developing AMD. 
Don't have time to work out?  3 Tips to Help You

Don't have time to work out? 3 Tips to Help You

Take a few minutes a day to get your body moving. You will reap the health benefits both in the short and long-term.
Sunlight can help keep kids from needing glasses

Sunlight can help keep kids from needing glasses

Over the past 30 years, the number of children who have developed myopia (nearsightedness) has risen dramatically. 
5 Things to Support Good Brain Health

5 Things to Support Good Brain Health

Reducing your risk factors that can cause poor brain health is the first step towards better brain health