A recent study reveals that one anti-VEGF treatment is more effective than another commonly used treatment.
The study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation revealed

that the drug Eyelea (aflibercept) offered patients a better chance of being weaned off treatments than the drug Avastin (bevacizumab).
Neovascular (wet) AMD requires either monthly or bimonthly eye injections to slow or stop the growth of leaky blood vessels in the retina. These injections carry the risk of retinal detachment and infection among other risks. Patients can be weaned off the treatment if they have stable vision and don't need an injection for at least 30 weeks after their last injection.
Researchers analyzed data from 106 patients who received either aflibercept or bevacizumab injections for 3 consecutive months. Fifty percent of patients treated with aflibercept could be weaned off the drug after one year compared to only 17% of patients who received bevacizumab injections.
The cost of aflibercept could be what keeps many patients from opting for that drug as it is $2,000 per injection compared to the $100 per injection price tag for bevacizumab.
Researchers stress that while these study results suggest a significant benefit of aflibercept over bevacizumab, a prospective randomized clinical trial is required to confirm aflibercept's superiority over bevacizumab.