Coffee consumption with high blood pressure carries risks

Coffee consumption with high blood pressure carries risks

Researchers were looking to determine whether the protective effect of coffee applies to people with more severe hypertension.

Aa recent study revealed that people with extremely high blood pressure double their risk of dying from heart attack or stroke if they consume two more cups of caffeinated coffee a day.

Researchers were looking to determine whether the protective effect of coffee

applies to people with more severe hypertension. The study also examined  whether green tea affected hypertension as well.

Previous studies suggest that drinking one cup of caffeinated coffee a day can help people lower their risk of dying following a heart attack as well as help prevent heart attaches and strokes in healthy individuals. The recent study involved 6,574 men and 12,035 women between the ages of 40 and 79 and were enrolled between 1988 and 1990 and were questioned regarding their coffee and tea intake. Participants were followed up until 2009.

Study data revealed that participants with severe hypertension (Blood pressure reading of 160/100 or higher) who drank two or more cups of coffee a day doubled their risk of dying from a cardiovascular event. The risk was not raised by just drinking one cup of coffee or tea a day no matter the blood pressure status.