Eye Health News

Blood test to detect Macular Degeneration?

A new blood test is being developed by Australian researchers at The John Curtin School of Medical Research that detects whether a patient is at risk of developing dry age
Eye Health News

Hallucinations associated with Macular Degeneration

Charles Bonnet Syndrome (CBS) is a condition that age-related macular degeneration patients can develop that causes visual hallucinations. It is found in patients who have profound vision loss.
Eye Health News

Eye calcifications raise AMD risk

Eye Health News

Dry Eye Syndrome Slows Reading Rate

Eye Health News

Leonardo da Vinci's greatness due to an eye disorder?

Eye Health News

Age of surgeon does not affect cataract surgery outcome

Should a patient undergoing cataract surgery
Eye Health News

Scientists discover the origin of color vision

Humans deve
Eye Health News

Savoring spinach - Possible sight-saver?

The cart
Eye Health News

Can a visit to the chiropractor cause vision problems?
