Eye Health News

Which is it? Calcium does or doesn't increase macular degeneration risk?

Eye Health News

Colorful veggies reduce cataract risk

A new study notes a link between a diet rich in colorful vegetables and fruits to a reduced risk in developing age-related cataracts (ARC). Colorful fruits and vegetables including those with ...
Eye Health News

Which medication is best for wet macular degeneration?

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine researchers studied the ocular as well as systemic effects that three anti-VEGF therapies had on patients. Pegatanib, ranibizumab and bevacizumab wer...
Eye Health News

Breakthrough Macular Degeneration research announced

Researchers at the University of California - Berkeley have found a way to treat eye diseases such as macular degeneration by turning ganglion cells into cells that can sense light. Many degenerat...
Eye Health News

Revolutionary treatment restores vision

A study that involved a revolutionary treatment using stem cells from the eyes of non-living donors is detailed in STEM CELLS Translational Medicine.Researchers hope that
Eye Health News

Google makes diabetic retinopathy diagnosis easier

Google is pairing up with it's sister company, Verily, to make screening for diabetic retinopathy and diabetic edema more accessible for patients in India.India faces a shortage of more than 100,0...
Eye Health News

Gene therapy used to treat AMD

A surgeon at the John Radc
Eye Health News

Phone interview for pre-op cataract patients safe

In an effort to determine whether preoperative (pre-op) phone calls could safely be a substitute for the traditional in-person pre-op office visit, researchers conducted a retrospective study of t...
Eye Health News

3D-printed replacement cornea a reality

A new company, Precis