car side window
car windows

Car side windows, cataracts and cancer

Does incomplete UV protection in car side windows account for the increased rates of cataracts in left eyes and skin cancer on the left side of the face?
Eye Health News

Visual acuity not maintained with anti-VEGF

Eye Health News

Does Vitamin D affect Macular Degeneration?

Eye Health News

Drug might be useful in treating heart disease

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Eye Health News

Vitamin C may prevent cataracts

Eye Health News

Delayed dark adaptation May Predict Macular Degeneration

The delay in clear vision when traveling from bright sunlight into a dark room or tunnel when driving is called,
Eye Health News

Cardio drug helpful in treating surfer's eye

Researchers from Ariel University in Israel recently examined the affect the commonly prescribed cardiovascular drug, dipryidamole, had on treat
Eye Health News

Omnifocals the lenses of the future?

Israeli company Deep Optics is revolutionizing the eyeglass
Eye Health News

Family dog senses boy's visual impairment