Aromatherapy use at bedtime may benefit brain health

Aromatherapy use at bedtime may benefit brain health

A person's memory may be enhanced by simply inhaling essential oils during sleep.
Cataract Surgery Outcome Depends on More than Operative Skill
cataract surgeon

Cataract Surgery Outcome Depends on More than Operative Skill

Despite its phenomenal outcomes in skilled hands, modern cataract surgery can be overwhelming for patients to understand.
FDA approves Izervay for treatment of geographic atrophy

FDA approves Izervay for treatment of geographic atrophy

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently announced their approval of Izervay for treatment of geographic atrophy (GA) secondary to age-related macular degeneration.
Adding prunes to your diet may promote heart health
cardiovascular health

Adding prunes to your diet may promote heart health

With cardiovascular diseases one of the leading causes of death in the United States, one of the recommendations to help lower heart disease risk is to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables.
Fewer cases of glaucoma after cataract surgery for patients who receive blue-light filtering IOLs
cataract surgery

Fewer cases of glaucoma after cataract surgery for patients who receive blue-light filtering IOLs

A study recently published in the Journal of Glaucoma highlights the potential benefits of blue-light filtering IOLs in reducing cases of glaucoma post-cataract surgery.
Mild exercise boosts brain health

Mild exercise boosts brain health

A new study (results published in GeroScience) was conducted by researchers focused on the impact of long-term mild aerobic exercise on brain function in older adults.
Some Eye Diseases are Beautiful
christmas tree cataract

Some Eye Diseases are Beautiful

There are a couple common truths about ophthalmology that are well-known by physicians, and that patients are surprised to learn. Surgeons often play music in the operating room (not just Mozart, o...
Medicines that don't mix with the summer heat
drug interactions

Medicines that don't mix with the summer heat

Many medications, including over-the-counter (OTC) are affected by the summer heat.
July is UV safety awareness month

July is UV safety awareness month

It might be not be common knowledge that eyes can be sunburned just like skin.