Eye Health News

Another "Can't Miss" story about Eye Health?

Newspapers are always looking for the next great story for excitement and to garner read
Eye Health News

FDA Approves Study Using Human Embryonic Stem Cells

The Geron Corporation, based in Menlo Park, California, reported in a news release that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FD) cleared the company's Investigational New Drug applicatio...
Be Careful of those Flying Champagne Corks

Be Careful of those Flying Champagne Corks

As this season's football teams celebrated their respective division championships with champagne, with corks flying around the room painting each others' faces with the pressurized spray, I was mo...
The Avastin versus Lucentis Controversy Continues

The Avastin versus Lucentis Controversy Continues

Poor Genentech. The company is making the news frequently these days. And it?s not about new drug discoveries or other scientific breakthroughs that is earning the company such press, but rumors ...
Happy New Year!  Our New Blog Has Arrived!

Happy New Year! Our New Blog Has Arrived!

Welcome to the VisiVite Blog, featuring subjects about eye health and alternative treatments for macular degeneration and dry eye syndrome, in particular.? My intention for the blog is to discuss t...
Off-Label Drug Offers Similar Results at Lower Price

Off-Label Drug Offers Similar Results at Lower Price

It seems highly unlikely that one company would produce two drugs, at different prices, that treat the same ailment, and be in the middle of a medical industry dispute, but that's exactly the case ...
Eye Health News

AMD primary cause of central vision loss

A recent study shared at the Meeting of the American Physical Society of Fluid Dynamic pointed towards inefficient fluid mixing of the medication and the gel within the eye being responsib