Eye Health News

Symptoms of Iritis Should Not Be Ignored

Iritis is an inflammation of the iris. Iritis can be caused by an underlying condition such as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Lupus, Sarcoid, Shingles or inflammatory bowel disease or trauma to the...
Eye Health News

Optical Coherence Tomography Aids in Diagnosing Eye Disease

Technological advances in ophthalmology allow eye doctors to more accurately diagnose and treat diseases of the eye. Instead of relying upon a vision screening to catch underlying problems with the...
Eye Health News

AMD Patients Benefit From Cataract Surgery

A national study finds that cataract surgery proves to be beneficial to age-related macular degeneration (AMD) patients. The American Academy of Opthalmology details this report in their November i...
Eye Health News

November is Diabetes Awareness Month

November is Diabetes Awareness Month and many people do not realize that this
Eye Health News

Lutein Helps Protect Eyes against Computer Strain and Visual Fatigue

Lutein, found in spinach and other green leafy vegetables, is one of several important nutrients that helps protect the eyes from the free radical changes that can affect healthy eye function macul...
Eye Health News
age-related macular degeneration

Mice aren't human, but this could be important!

The journal Ophthalmology, compared the injection of Lucentis (ranibizumab) and Avastin (bevacizumab) into mice. Lucentis and Avastin had similar efficacy at suppressing sub-retinal neovascularizat...
Eye Health News

Mediterranean Diet Helps Control Diabetes Better than Low-Fat Diet

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Eye Health News
dry eye syndrome

Phytosterols May Prevent the Development of Cancer

Phytosterols, long known for their cholesterol-lowering action, are emerging as cancer-fighting powerhouses. Phytosterols, the structural components in the cell membranes of plants, have long been ...
Eye Health News

Scientists Morph Human Retinal Cells From Skin Cells - Wow!

It was just a few months ago on the VisiVite Blog that we published studies regarding stem cell research for treatment of eye disease which shortly followed the new federal laws that were enacted. ...