Eye Health News

One Person's Inspiring Cure From Macular Degeneration

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Eye Health News

Diabetes Mellitus and The Eye

Insulin, a hormone manufactured by the islet cells in the Pancreas, is critical to good health. Insulin doesn?t dissolve glucose; rather, it moves glucose (simple sugar) out of the bloodstream and ...
Eye Health News

B Vitamins May Ward off Macular Degeneration

[caption id="attachment_242" align="alignleft" width="221" caption="Macular degeneration is a leading cause of vision loss in the elderly "]
Eye Health News

U.S. Children Low in Vitamin D

Many children in the United States have low vitamin D levels raising their risk for b
Eye Health News

Is Organic Food Really No Better Than Conventional?

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Eye Health News

When was YOUR last eye exam?

[caption id="attachment_130" align="alignright" width="200"] Eyeglasses are only p
Eye Health News

Ask The Eye Doctor Group on Facebook

If you haven't joined Facebook yet, you're missing out on my Ask The Eye Doctor group. (not to mention all the people from high school who you've long forgotten!) Let's face it - we all have que...
Eye Health News

The Importance of Inspired Musical Education

Are you concerned about the state of musical education in our country? If so, I must share with all of you a speech given last week by Wynton Marsalis. Marsalis, who has won a Pulitzer Prize ...
Eye Health News

ArcticDx Discusses Their Genetic Test for AMD

Just three years after the discovery of some of the genetic causes of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a Canadian company is less than one year away of bringing to market a simple test of sa...