Eye Health News

Medications for glaucoma associated with lower mortality risk

Glaucoma patients who are treated with glaucoma medications may benefit in the form of a lowered mortality risk. A study published in the February issue of the Archives of Ophthalmology sheds light...
Eye Health News

Macugen may be an effective treatment for BRVO

Patients suffering from Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion (BRVO) may benefit from injections of Macugen. A recent study offered promising results with half of the participants gaining at least 3 lines ...
Eye Health News

Which medications have risk of causing blindness?

Prednisone, a glucocorticoid, is used to treat a number of diseases, some acutely (asthma suddenly out of control), some chronically (ulcerative colitis, Polymyalgia rheumatica, Giant Cell Arteriti...
Eye Health News

AMD patients may benefit from epimacular brachytherapy

A recent study involved the use of epimacular brachytherapy to treat patients requiring continual anti-VEGF injections found that the procedure may ease the number of treatments for age-related m...
Eye Health News

New dual-optic intraocular lens shows promise

Cataract surgery patients may benefit in the future from a dual-optic intraocular lens currently in the experimental stages.
Eye Health News

Femtosecond-pulse lasers poised to revolutionize cataract surgery

A new generation of femtosecond laser systems has gained approval from the FDA to be used in laser cataract surgery. The new technology offers a cleaner, and more exact cut. Current femtosecond ...
Eye Health News

Why do doctors tend to continue practicing what they knew last year?

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="221"] Burying one's head in the sand might not be
Eye Health News

Trabectome another procedure available to glaucoma patients

Another procedure that is revolutionizing the treatment of glaucoma is the Trabectome. Like canaloplasty, the Trabectome is a minimally invasive surgical technique. The Trabectome works by restorin...
Eye Health News

New technique lowers intraocular pressure in glaucoma patients

Glaucoma elevates the intraocular pressure in a patient's eyes. A surgical procedure known as trabeculectomy has been the only surgical method available to reduce the elevated eye pressure. This su...