Eye Health News

Solar Eclipse *Warning*Warning*Warning*

Unless you are in the direct path of the eclipse, and only for the brief period of total blockage, do NOT wear regular sunglasses or stare at the sun, even if it's through a camera lens or telescop...
Eye Health News

Consumer Alert - .gov site unreliable source of legitimate drug trials

ClinicalTrials.gov, that the public listing of medical trials on the site is not a list of trials that have been verified a
Eye Health News

New Treatment for Damaged Eyes

Eye Health News

Solar Sunglasses for the Solar Eclipse

The solar eclipse is August 21st.  Are you ready? Order your CE Certified solar sunglasses before they're out of stock by clicking the image below.
Eye Health News

Some new drugs pose risk to vision

Eye Health News

New drug for Macular Degeneration

Eye Health News

Solar Eclipse Coming - Don't Stare at the Sun!

The solar eclipse will be sweeping over the country on August 21, 2017. Don't stare at the sun! Instead, consider these sunglasses guaranteed to be solar safe:
Eye Health News

Atropine drops to prevent childhood nearsightedness

Eye Health News

Lutein levels in the eye linked to higher achievement in children

Two recent studies demonstrated that children who do better in school have higher lutein levels in the eye. Even after taking in consideration other factors including IQ, gender, body composition ...