Eye Health News

Could Blue Light Cure Diabetes?

Current research is underway that involves engineering pancreatic beta cells, which are activated by blue light
Eye Health News

Which Zinc Form is Best for Eye Vitamins?

Periodically, we get an inquiry from a customer asking why VisIVite uses Zinc oxide rather than some other form in its AREDS 2 eye vitamins. And usually, the question is asked because they were tol...
Eye Health News

NEWS RELEASE - High customer satisfaction with VisiVite Eye Vitamins

Huntington, NY (November 13, 2019) - Vitamin Science, Inc. manufacturer of VisiVite Professional Formulas for Ocular Nutrition, today announced the results of an online survey of users of their eye...
Eye Health News

Eye Damage May Occur With Use of Bladder Drug

A popular drug used to treat interstitial cystitis of the bladder was shown in a recent study to cause retinal damage in a study presented at the 2019 American Academy of Ophthalmology annual meeti...
Eye Health News

Gene therapy treatment for AMD in clinical trials

Phase 1 clinical trials on a new gene therapy to treat age-related macular degeneration are currently underw
Eye Health News

New Drug for Dry Macular Degeneration?

A new drug to treat the "dry" form of macular degeneration is currently undergoing clinical trials.
Eye Health News

New Drug Approved for Wet Macular Degeneration

Novartis Pharmaceuticals announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved it's new drug, Beovu®, for the t
Eye Health News

Digital therapy for children with 'lazy eye'

A new digital therapy platform has been released to help patients with amblyopia, otherwise known as "lazy eye". The subscription-based technology is available from the startup, AmblyoPlay. Progre...
Eye Health News

Which Sunglasses Best Protect Your Vision?

While sunglasses are often deemed to be no more than a fashion accessory, the impact that they have on your vision is critica