Diabetics with Cataracts More Likely to Have Retinopathy

Diabetics with Cataracts More Likely to Have Retinopathy

Eye cataracts have now been added to the list of risk factors associated with diabetic retinopathy.
Port Delivery System therapy looking for FDA approval
age-related macular degeneration

Port Delivery System therapy looking for FDA approval

The new device offers a continuous therapeutic dose of ranibizumab to the eye in place of regular eye injections.
Eye Health News
bone density

Eye Vitamins Beneficial for Bone Health

The Framingham Osteoporosis Study concluded that compounds commonly found in high concentration in eye vitamins are not only helpful for vision; they help promote healthy bone density as well.
Who is the "Silent Sneak of Sight?"

Who is the "Silent Sneak of Sight?"

There is one eye problem that strikes people 30 and above with regularity, and unsympathetic viciousness, causing permanent vision loss that can never be regained, no matter what medications or tre...
Difficulty Swallowing Capsules?
areds 2

Difficulty Swallowing Capsules?

In their natural forms - which we use for VisiVite eye vitamins - lutein, zeaxanthin and Vitamin E oil are fluffy, sticky and bulky. But the benefits of using these naturally sourced ingredients ou...
Many vision loss supplements do not fulfill label claims
age-related macular degeneration

Many vision loss supplements do not fulfill label claims

With so many consumers looking towards macular degeneration supplements to help stop the progression of the vision-robbing disease, it's important that they know that what they are reading on the l...
Do You have a Family History of Macular Degeneration?
family history

Do You have a Family History of Macular Degeneration?

Because age-related macular degeneration can be such a visually and psychologically devastating disease, people who have family members with AMD are eager to determine if they can prevent it.
A Stye is Not an Infection - Treatment Pearls

A Stye is Not an Infection - Treatment Pearls

If you’ve ever had a painful, red, swollen bump on your eyelid, you’ve had a stye. The professional term for this is a chalazion (KA-LAZE’-EE-ON).
New Laser Detects Eye Diseases That Cause Vision Loss
age-related macular degeneration

New Laser Detects Eye Diseases That Cause Vision Loss

Researchers at the University of Waterloo have created a non-contact laser imaging system that detects symptoms of eye diseases that cause vision loss.