The numerous benefits walking provides

The numerous benefits walking provides

Walking is accessible to most people and doesn't require a membership or added exercise equipment to participate.

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Walking is often overlooked as a great form of exercise. This humble, but effective form of exercise offers many health benefits in not only the short term, but the long term as well.

Walking is accessible to most people and doesn't require a membership or added exercise equipment to participate. And walking is a great way to begin establishing a daily exercise habit especially for those who struggle with exercising consistently.

A recent study found that after just 3 months of walking, participants noted lowered blood pressure, and decreased resting heart rate and BMI. In addition to physical health benefits, just a 10 minute walk can help to reduce anxiety and depression for those not diagnosed with a major depressive disorder.

As with any form of exercise, it is important to start out slowly and build up to the time spent walking as well as the walking speed. To make your walks more enjoyable, change up where you walk and listen to music or your favorite podcast.