Drink to your health: 3 immune boosting drinks

Drink to your health: 3 immune boosting drinks

 Eating healthy and getting a good night's sleep both play an important role in having a strong immune system. 
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'Tis the season of sickness and the battle to stay healthy is ever present in our minds.

Our immune system is our body's defense against bacteria, viruses and fungi. Eating healthy and getting a good night's sleep both play an important role in having a strong immune system. To aid in your goal of having a great immune system, here are three immune-boosting drinks to help.

1. Water

There's nothing to beat good old H20 when it comes to helping your body fight off pathogens. Water helps your body absorb nutrients and it also maintains your mucous membranes, which are your first lines of defense against incoming pathogens. Our bodies are 60-70% water by weight so it's critical to stay well-hydrated.

2. Orange juice

Loaded with vitamin C and folate, 100% orange juice can play an important role in sustaining the integrity of your immune barriers and protect immune cells like the natural killer cells and T-cells. Orange juice also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

3. Green tea

A nice cup of hot green tea is not only soothing when you feel under the weather, it is an excellent source of polyphenol flavonoids that help to lower the risk of heart disease and manage systemic inflammation. The antioxidants in green tea helps to protect cells against oxidation.

So make a toast to your health and enjoy one of these beverages - your body will thank you!