If you are one of the millions of workers confined to a desk every day, you probably find it hard to get a workout in.

Battling a sedentary lifestyle can be difficult. And the link between inactivity and poor mental and physical health has been established. But being a desk jockey doesn't mean you can't get a workout in; it just means you have to be creative. Here are three ways you can "work out" at work:
1) You just have to "Move it, Move it": Take advantage of your lunch break by incorporating a walk around the building or do some light stretching. And throughout the day, set reminders on your phone or in your calendar for three-minute movement breaks, which can be simply jogging in place at your desk or taking a quick walk around the office.
2) Walk and Talk: If it's possible, coordinate "walking meetings" with your colleagues to discuss daily priorities as you walk. If you work remotely, ask for phone calls instead of video conferencing so you can walk and talk at the same time.
3) Look for movement opportunities: Look for reasons to get up and move. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park as far away from the building as you can and walk to get your lunch rather than having it delivered to the office. If you are on a phone call, get up and walk around if that's possible.
The bottom line is, don't let a desk job deter you from being physically active. Get your creative juices flowing and find ways to get your body moving!