Lens and Cataract

Should you choose a premium lens for your cataract surgery?
Since the lens is responsible for 1/3 of focus and is a critical element in the eye's focusing system, it must be replaced. Otherwise, the light rays will fail to focus light to a tiny spot on the ...

ankylosing spondylitis
When Cataract Surgery is Anything But Routine
Most of the time, cataract surgery is an easy, comfortable and fast surgery for patient and surgeon alike. Modern techniques often use femtosecond laser to divide the cataract into manageable piece...

cataract surgeon
Why Dr. Krawitz for Your Cataract Surgery
Dr. Paul Krawitz completed his ophthalmology residency and glaucoma fellowship at Mount Sinai Medical Center in 1990. Since that time, he has refined his cataract surgery technique, based upon tens...

Flomax commercials contain a warning about Cataract Surgery
There is a drug side effect that is adversely affecting the treatment of cataracts by making the surgery more difficult and increasing the likelihood of surgical complications. The drugs causing th...

ORA Intraoperative Computer Imaging for Cataract Surgery
Eye surgeons often recommend ORA Intraoperative Computer Imaging, which takes thousands of images and performs calculations after your natural lens is removed but before a lens implant is inserted,...

When to have Cataract Surgery
Likening a cataract to a piece of fruit, and waiting until it’s “ripe”before you can have surgery might be a catchy phrase. But it’s also outdated medicine.

Cataract Surgery - The Toric Lament
Patients with astigmatism who have undergone cataract surgery often lament their choice to have a standard lens implanted which does not fully correct their vision.

cataract surgery
Cataract Surgery Intraocular Lens Choices
During cataract surgery, the lens is dissolved using ultrasound and then vacuumed out of the eye. In its place, the ophthalmic surgeon places an intraocular lens implant. Cataract surgery using a ...

Cataract Surgery
Cataract surgery is the most frequent surgery performed annually in the United States. Yet, there are several myths regarding cataract surgery. For example, a cataract is not a veil that grows ove...