Eye Health News

To reduce inflammation: Sip a spinach smoothie

Researchers at Linkoping University in Sweden continued their research of lutein which is not only an antioxidant but an anti-inflammatory agent as well.

The last lutein study revealed that the lutein can reduce inflammation in immune cells of patients dealing with coronary artery disease and the lutein can be stored within the immune cells.

The new study had researchers looking to determine whether the level of lutein in the blood can be influenced by increasing the amount of lutein in the diet. The researchers chose spinach to be their study subject because of its high lutein content and because many people eat spinach.

Researchers used many different preparation methods such as those that would be used in the home as well as different temperatures and heating times including eating spinach cold in salads and smoothies. What they found was that it was best not to heat the spinach at all and to chop it into small pieces which releases more lutein and when mixed with fat from dairy products such as milk or yogurt, the lutein is made more soluble.

If spinach isn't your thing, you can add lutein your diet with VisiVite's Super Lutein 444 which gives you 44 mg of lutein in each capsule.
