Eye Health News

Implantable Lucentis means fewer injections for wet macular degeneration

Fewer Injectio

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Fewer Injections for Wet Macular Degeneration?

A tiny implantable device for the treatment of macular degeneration is in clinical trials and may be approved by the FDA.

The device will lessen the burden of patients who currently must endure injections on a monthly basis to treat their wet form of macular degeneration.

This breakthrough device is surgically implanted in the eye and it holds a concentrated form of the drug Lucentis. This concentrated drug is then passively diffused into the eye slowly over six months and in some patients it can last even longer. Once diffusion is complete, the patient is able to get a refill in the comfort of his or her doctor's office.

The surgery is about 45 minutes and while the pricing for the device and the surgery has not yet been determined. The complications from the surgery are minimal. Less than 2% of those who have taken part in the trial experienced, retinal detachment or infection. Hemorrhage within the first month was noted in only 4 percent of trial participants.
