Eye Health News

Taking zeaxanthin improves vision in elderly, VA Hospital proves

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A recent military study revealed that elderly people have improved night vision and improved ability to discern fine details when they are taking zeaxanthin. Sixty elderly war veterans with early signs of age-related macular degeneration were evaluated over a 12-month period. The study participants were given 8 mg of zeaxanthin daily and over the course of the study, their ability to drive at night improved and they had an average improvement of 1.5 lines on an eye chart. In addition, blind spots disappeared. The Veterans Administration Hospital in Chicago conducted the study which was published in the November issue of the Journal of the American Optometric Association. Study participants were given either 8 mg of zeaxanthin, 9 mg of lutein or a combination of both over the course of a year.* VisiVite.Com has a special page devoted to explaining Zeaxanthin. You can reach it by clicking here.