Eye Health News

Smoke gets in your eyes... Way, way in!

smoking causes advan
Add losing vision to the list of reasons why you need to stop smoking. And make it this year's New Year's Resolution. Heart disease, emphysema, bronchitis, cancer, stroke, wrinkled skin...every year the effects of getting just a wee bit less oxygen and a teeny bit of poisonous carbon dioxide in the bloodstream take their toll by inducing body damage through oxidative stress. I've heard all the excuses... "It gives me something to do." "I need to smoke at the end of a meal." "I've been doing it so long, I can't stop." "It relaxes me." "Uncle Charlie smoked and he lived to 99 years old!" "Well, something's gotta kill you. I might as well enjoy myself." But here's what your non-smoking friends and family are saying, often behind your back... "I hate that you stink of cigarette smoke." "I hate that you're always coughing." "I hate that I have to breathe in your smoke." "I hate the filthy ashtrays." "Your voice always sounds hoarse."  "Even your ear lobes are getting wrinkled." "I love you, and I'm going to miss you." Still not convinced? Well how about the fact that smoking has now been shown to dramatically increase the risk of advanced Macular Degeneration, a blinding eye disease? This week, the esteemed professional journal, Archives of Ophthalmology, published the study. Check it out. Then promise me you'll try to get un-hooked off cigarettes in 2012!* If you can't get off them, make sure that you are taking the VisiVite formulas specifically developed for smokers that do not contain beta-carotene. -- Paul Krawitz, M.D., President and C.E.O. VisiVite.Com