Eye Health News

iPad app proves effective in early detection of glaucoma

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Does Google Glass hamper peripheral vision? Reading iPad app proves effective in early detection of glaucoma 1 minute Next Formula derived from computer analysis forecasts AMD
Using an iPad® app to screen for early signs of glaucoma may prove to be an effective way in serving those in high-risk populations. Researchers utilized the Visual Fields Easy app on an iPad® to screen more than 400 patients in Nepal for glaucoma. The control group included around 200 healthy eyes and the remaining eyes had glaucoma. Results of the screenings were compared to results from the traditional industry standard field test. What researchers discovered was that the two tests agreed between 51-79 percent of the time. The most consistent agreement was in patients with moderate or advanced visual field loss and less agreement in those with only minimal visual field loss. The end result of the study led researchers to determine that while the app screening was not reliable enough to use in the general population, it was still an effective tool for use among high-risk groups that have limited or no access to basic eye and health care.*