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Finally, some hope for people with Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP)

[caption id="attachment_1416" align="alignleft" width="272"]Characteristic bone spiculing in peripheral retina seen in Retinitis Pigmentosa
Test your vision using a cell phone Reading Finally, some hope for people with Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) 2 minutes Next He is grateful for the vision he has been able to retain.
[caption id="attachment_1416" align="alignleft" width="272"] Characteristic bone spiculing in peripheral retina seen in Retinitis Pigmentosa[/caption] Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is visually devastating and is the most common inherited retinal disease worldwide. It is characterized by the degeneration of the photoreceptors accompanied?by degradation of the retinal pigment epithelium. Preliminary symptoms?usually begin during early adulthood and include night blindness and?peripheral visual field loss, with the majority of patients becoming?legally blind by the age of 60. While there is currently no cure for?RP, many researchers have analyzed the effects of nutritional supplementation?for palliative care. Vitamin A is the most widely recognized nutritional?supplement that has been shown to slow the progression of retinal degeneration,?although new supplements are currently being investigated. Dr. Eliot Berson and colleagues published a study in the April 2010 issue of the professional journal, Archives of Ophthalmology which investigated the influence of FloraGLO brand Lutein?on RP patients, with the knowledge that lutein is a protective nutrient?within the macular pigment. While retinal damage was apparent in all?patients over the course of 4 years, those receiving FloraGLO lutein?experienced a slower decline in midperipheral vision compared to the?controls. All patients in this study were also receiving a daily vitamin?A supplement and were advised to eat 1 to 2 servings of oily fish per?week. Along?with other studies, Dr. Berson?s findings show that lutein, particularly?FloraGLO brand lutein, slow the decline of retinal function in RP patients?when accompanied by vitamin A supplementation. Dr. Berson?s research?also confirmed the safety of FloraGLO Lutein, as no adverse effects?in response to the supplement were perceived during the analysis. In?the long term, the authors projected that midperipheral field vision?could be preserved for 3 to 10 additional years after the conclusion?of the experiment when lutein supplementation is complemented by not?only vitamin A but also an oily-fish rich diet. VisiVite Formulas exclusively use FloraGLO brand Lutein.* Brian Krawitz Staff Writer