Eye Health News

Aspirin use may increase risk for late AMD

neovascular AMD
A recent study has shown an association between aspirin use and development of late age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The study looked at participants between the ages of 43 and 86. 99% were white, and 56% were women. Eye examinations were conducted every 5 years for a 20-year period, and at each examination patients were asked about their aspirin use. The researchers found a significant association between the incidence of late AMD and those who routinely used aspirin for at least 10 years before diagnosis. More specifically, there was a significant relationship found between aspirin use and neovascular AMD, a subtype of late AMD. There was no significant association between aspirin use and pure geographic atrophy, another subtype of late AMD, nor was there a relationship found between aspirin use and the incidence of early AMD. These findings do come with some limitations. The study population was mostly Caucasian, so it is difficult to generalize these results to other races and ethnicities. Additionally, data on aspirin exposure was often scarce. However, this study does underline a relationship that sheds light on aspirin as a potential risk factor for AMD.*