Researchers have determined that patients who are treated with anti-VEGF injections for the wet form of age-related macular degeneration and who also have additional symptoms including vitreomacular interface disease (VMID) will experience improvement in their visual acuity.
The retrospective study conducted by researchers at the Mayo Clinic  examined 178 patients, of whom 18 percent had VMID over an average of 2.5 years. Patients with VMID did require more injections but they did still show improvement in their visual acuity similar to the patients who did not have VMID.
These encouraging findings demonstrated that patients with VMID are not necessarily resistant to treatment for their age-related macular degeneration. The study findings also stress the need for doctors to not give up on treating patients with VMID and to be aware that additional injections may be required to see results. Additional studies will be required including the possibility of a clinical trial.