Surgeons implanted lab-grown retinal cells into the eyes of patients going blind from macular degeneration in the hopes of halting the loss of vision. Researchers were recently given the green light from the FDA to test the treatment in 24 patients suffering from either dry advanced macular degeneration or Stargardt's disease.
In macular degeneration, retinal cells are killed off , which in time, leads to the death of photoreceptors and the eventual loss of central vision. Researchers are hopeful that injecting new, lab-grown cells into the eye will cure macular degeneration.
With almost 10 million Americans suffering from either the wet or dry form of macular degeneration, researchers are cautiously optimistic about the potential for the new stem-cell therapy. Currently, the treatment for the wet form of macular degeneration involves injections in the eye. There is no treatment available for the dry form of macular degeneration although supplementation with vision nutrition supplements that contain, lutein, zeaxanthin and omega-3 fatty acids has shown to be of critical importance.*
Elise Ervin
Staff Writer