Eye Health News

VisiVite introduces Reziva

Reziva resveratrol French red wine grape extract Nutrition Facts
Not in our nine years in business have I witnessed the buzz about our new resveratrol supplement, Reziva. And it is now available and in stock at http://www.visivite.com/reziva.html. In just a single capsule created from the extract of French red wine grapes, there are many health benefits shown in literally hundreds of studies - including weight control, longevity and eye health. What makes Reziva different from the mountain of resveratrol supplements on the market is where is comes from. If you take a careful look at the labels of our competitors, you'll see that the trans-resveratrol, which is the active form of the molecule, comes not from grapes, but rather Japanese Knotweed - whose scientific name is Polygonum Cuspidatum - a plant identified as a??noxious weed? by the United States Department of Agriculture (http://plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=POCU6) . Those other resveratrol supplements then add "red wine extract," or "grape extract" in insignificant amounts, merely to give the capsules their purple color and to make them smell like wine. But don't you be fooled... Reziva contains ONLY French red wine grape extract - there's no 'Knotweed' in our supplement. And it's pure and natural - no added ?dyes or food coloring, no added nonsense ingredients. It's pure - just like the grapes themselves. Read more about Reziva at http://www.visivite.com/reziva.html.* Paul L. Krawitz, M.D., President Vitamin Science, Inc.