Eye Health News

These Great Letters Keep Us Going!

Each week or two, I get several email responses to my Sight For Life newsletter. (If you're not already getting this, you can sign up for free at by clicking HERE). I personally respond to each person. The letters below sure keeps us feeli
Each week or two, I get several email responses to my Sight For Life newsletter. (If you're not already getting this, you can sign up for free at by clicking HERE). I personally respond to each person. The letters below sure keeps us feeling good about what we're providing. Paul Krawitz, M.D., President Vitamin Science, Inc.


Dear Dr. Krawitz, My mom has been using your products I got her for her age-related macular...she had a eye dr visit 2 weeks ago....I told him I had gotten her vitamins on your site (Not the ones he recommended from the drug store)...he then said "Oh it doenst matter what you give her! I told him that the ones he suggested could not be taken by mom since she smokes. Well, he then gave her another test to see how her eyes are doing...and when the girl giving the test looked at the screen and then mom's old results, he asked another girl to check. When we got back to the exam room and he looked at the results he said "Ummm...this is unusual...I said what? He said her eyes got better.,..I said better? how much better, 5%, 10%...no 25%!!!!!!!!!! WOW....BUT BEING A 'DOCTOR' WHO DOESNT REALLY BELIEVE IN VITAMINS, HE DIDNT EVEN ASK ME WHAT ARE YOU GIVING HER, TO MAYBE SUGGEST FOR HIS OTHER CLIENTS. NOTHING. WELL THANKS FOR YOUR HELP...JUST WANTED YOU TO KNOW.


Dear Dr. Krawitz, Since late November I have been taking VisiVite Gold. I am age 72 and in excellent health. For years I have been taking Rx Omega3 Factors which has helped my joint health (no ACL and no medial meniscus) in particular and now I find is also a plus with eye health as well. I have not been diagnosed with AREDS but my ophthalmologist has indicated that I am experiencing discolorization which could be an forerunner of future problems. After reading you literature, I decided to try VisiVite. The one thing I have noticed since starting the pills has been improved eye moisture. I guess that is good!


Dear Dr.Krawitz I have been reading all the newsletters you send. hey are very interesting and valuable.First and formost i would like you to know that my mother is making the best outof the information i get because she is actually the one who has the problem . This also includes my grandma who is suffering from macular degenerative eye disease. I shipped the medication i bought to Ethiopia. She has started taking it and will let you know if she has any improvement. We have also informed some friends who have same problem. Thanks again for your assistance. You are doing a great job Best Regards


I enjoy your newsletter with the latest studies regarding my condition and don't want to miss a copy.


Dr. Krawitz, I take VisiVite and Co-Defense regularly for a few years now, and I guess that's what keeping my problem steady. I also discovered the pill for dry eyes, and find it wonderful. My daughter used to put drops 20-30 times a day. After I gave her the pill for dry eyes, she puts in drops maybe once or twice a day. Thank you for your wonderful products.