Struggling with Sleep? 4 Foods that can help you get some Zzz's

Struggling with Sleep? 4 Foods that can help you get some Zzz's

If you are among the millions dealing with sleep issues, you might be surprised to know that there are foods that might just help you kick into sleep mode.
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It is estimated that between 50 and 70 million people in the United States have ongoing sleep disorders. For many of those people, it's a struggle just to fall asleep.

If you are among the millions dealing with sleep issues, you might be surprised to know that there are foods that might just help you kick into sleep mode. Here are the four snacks that might help you fall asleep faster:

1) Walnuts: These popular nuts are a great, natural source of melatonin and are

also loaded with magneisum, potassium, iron and zinc as well as other important nutrients and essential fatty acids.

2) Kiwi: When you think of a food that's a natural sleep aid, your brain probably doesn't conjure up an image of a kiwi but this little fruit packs a lot of serotonin and antioxidants that just might be the boost you need to fall asleep faster.

3) Chamomile Tea: This tea has long been recognized as a helpful sleep aid. Rich in flavones, which hep reduce inflammation, this tea can help reduce anxiety and depression and allow you to unwind and fall asleep more quickly.

4) Almonds: Like walnuts, almonds are a good source of melatonin and are also rich in magnesium giving them a one-two punch when it comes to being a useful sleep aid.

So the next time you are fighting sleep, reach for one of these sleep friendly foods and you might be surprised at how quickly you fall asleep.