Eye Health News

"Spot" helps identify undiagnosed vision problems in school children

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According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), vision disability is the single most common disabling condition among children. Despite vision screenings at schools using the standard eye chart, many children have undiagnosed vision problems because they are able to pass the eye chart exam. In fact, 25 percent of American school children suffer from a vision problem.  A study showed that only ten percent of children in the 9 to 15 year-old age group who needed glasses actually had glasses. A new screening device called Spot has been developed and is changing how vision screenings are being done. Spot can evaluate the vision of anyone from the age of 6 months to adults with both accuracy and speed. Comprehensive results are delivered immediately. With a capture time of one second or less, Spot is an ideal solution for school settings. It is a handheld device with a touchscreen interface. The speed and efficiency of spot means most schools can screen their students in one day which lowers the cost of screening significantly. Reports can be printed for large-scale data analysis and follow-up care can be monitored.