Eye Health News

Seniors with low vision tend to limit social activities

Seniors with low vision tend to limit their activities because of a fear of falling according to a new study, which was published recently in the journal Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science.  Limiting social activities puts these seniors at risk for social isolation and disability. The study compared nearly 250 senior adults with eye disease and about 100 senior adults with normal vision. 40 to 50 percent of those with low vision reported that they limited their activities due to a fear of falling compared to only 16 percent of those who had normal vision. In addition, of those who limited their activity, a greater number were women and these women were more likely to be depressed and had more health problems. Researchers say that it is important for family members and doctors of a person with low vision to be aware of which activities are being limited due to the fear of falling. This will enable the doctors to address the fears and concerns and help the person to feel more confident about safely participating those activities.