Eye Health News

Red Wine Extract's Myriad of Health Benefits

Resveratrol red grape extract for Weight and Glucose Control, Heart and Eye Health

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Resveratrol red grape extract for Weight and Glucose Control, Heart and Eye Health

Undoubtedly, you've heard about the health benefits of red wine, including glucose and weight control, heart and eye health. In fact, people who drink red wine are also found to live longer. The secret isn't the wine itself, but a compound in the red grapes known as trans-resveratrol. Studies of this compound show remarkable benefits to many organ systems. And some studies in animals show a reduced chance of developing the wet form of macular degeneration. Aside from drinking 30 glasses of wine, the more efficient way to get resveratrol is via an extracted supplement. Many companies sell these supplements derived from a plant known as Japanese Knotweed. But the VisiVite brand of resveratrol comes from French red grapes. VisiVite's Reziva resveratrol requires one capsule per day, and should be considered by anyone who wishes to take advantage of its many health benefits. It does not interact with any medications, and can be taken with any VisiVite macular or dry eye formula.*