Eye Health News

Promising new treatment for dry AMD in clinical trials

Acucela Inc. has announced Phase 2 clinical trials of it's ACU-4429 for the treatment of dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD).? ACU-4429 works by decreasing the levels of toxic products in the eye thus hopefully stopping the advance of dry AMD. More than 29 million people worldwide are affe
Acucela Inc. has announced Phase 2 clinical trials of it's ACU-4429 for the treatment of dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD).? ACU-4429 works by decreasing the levels of toxic products in the eye thus hopefully stopping the advance of dry AMD. More than 29 million people worldwide are affected by either "wet" or "dry" AMD. The leading cause of the loss of vision in people over the age of 50 is dry AMD.? 90 percent of AMD patients suffer from the dry form of AMD.? Currently, there are no FDA approved therapies to treat dry AMD which will make the trials of ACU--4429 ones eagerly watched. Anti-oxidants are the only therapy available to slow or halt the progression of dry AMD Researchers are pleased with the preclinical and early clinical data for ACU-4429. Thus far, it has demonstrated the ability to decrease toxic by-products which have had a part in the progression of dry AMD. ACU-4429 is administered as an oral, daily pill unlike other therapies for the eyes which can involve the use of injections into the eyes. Andrea Schumann Staff Writer