Eye Health News

Noninvasive therapy now available for those suffering from keratoconus

A new, noninvasive treatment for keratoconus offers hope to those patients suffering from the eye disease. Keratoconus is a degenerative condition in which the cornea thins and become conical. The collagen fibers in the eye weaken causing the cone shape and distorting vision. Permanent vision loss i
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A new, noninvasive treatment for keratoconus offers hope to those patients suffering from the eye disease. Keratoconus is a degenerative condition in which the cornea thins and become conical. The collagen fibers in the eye weaken causing the cone shape and distorting vision. Permanent vision loss is the result of this condition unless the patient undergoes intensive eye surgery. The new therapy, known as corneal cross-linking, utilizes ultraviolet light and vitamin B to treat the condition. Eye drops made of a type of vitamin B are used in conjunction with a very weak ultraviolet light to strengthen the collagen fibers in the eye. The good news is that there is only a day of recovery involved in the treatment but the bad news is that the treatment is considered experimental and not covered by insurance. The treatment is expensive at $3250 per keratoconus-afflicated eye. Elise Ervin Staff Writer