Eye Health News

New study shows that resveratrol may curb diabetes

According to recent research appearing in the British Journal of Nutrition, antioxidants found in resveratrol were associated with a reduction in type-2 diabetes. Resveratrol and grape seed extracts have an effect on how the body reacts to insulin, the hormone that impacts glucose levels in the blood. These compounds have been shown to have cardiovascular benefits, offer protection against Alzheimer’s disease, and have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer benefits. In the double-blind study, scientists recruited 19 patients with type-2 diabetes and had them take 10 milligrams of resveratrol or a placebo. The outcome was that after a four-week period, the resveratrol group demonstrated a substantial decrease in insulin sensitivity compared to the participants who didn’t take it. The authors of the study noted that the results were most likely due to the fact that resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant capable of preventing the oxidation which may lead to insulin resistance. Dr. Krawitz's Reziva is an excellent resveratrol supplement made from real French red wine grapes.* Nancy Hirsch Certified Nutritionist