Eye Health News

Don't overlook eye exams for your child

eye exam
While many parents are dutiful about making sure their child gets a yearly well-check, often times, a vision screening is overlooked. Fewer than 15 percent of preschool children receive an eye examination and yet, studies show that preschool vision screenings help reduce vision disorders among school-age children. The National Eye Institute (NEI) conducted a large clinical study on preschoolers and they determined that vision screenings performed by specially trained nurses and lay people were just as effective as those performed by eye care professionals. Results varied depending on the specific tests that were performed as well as the equipment that was used and the vision condition that was being tested. In order to ensure the most reliable results, parents should question what eye problems are being screened for, and the accuracy of the tests. Parents should also realize that a vision screening does not replace a full comprehensive eye exam conducted by an eye care professional. Babies should have an eye exam at 6 months of age and then preschoolers should have one at 3 years of age. Eye exams for school-aged children should be administered before first grade and then every two years. Of course, children experiencing symptoms or who have risk factors should consult their eye care professional more frequently.*